Windows 8 and Businesses Won’t Mix

I have previously written about Windows 8 being a real nail bitter. Already the new Windows Surface tablet is proving to be troublesome, which Microsoft addressed by lowering the cost from the predicted 600$ to a possible 200$ to rival that of the Amazon Kindle running on Andriod. Recently every head hunting company shrieked with excitement upon hearing about LinkedIn integration into the new Outlook, Microsoft will be releasing with their new OS. Of course, they got excited all too soon. Everyone from Gabe Newell to random internet strangers have pointed out the numerous flaws in the new operating. This leads me to believe that alas, companies will not be switching to Windows 8, but rather doing another version of “sit and wait on Windows XP,” this time titled “sit and wait on Windows 7,” until Microsoft gets the next thing right.

What’s Not Going to Stick:

  1. Some people might be ok with a tablet-like interface, but it’s pretty clear that if only 11 percent of the adult population owns a tablet, not everyone wants to use one. Really the displeasure should be obvious, considering no one buys a desktop if they really want a tablet. Especially, considering the comparative cost of the two. I could sit here and be frustrated over the fact that had Apple started the desktop-as-tablet revolution, Macheads would have been sure to claim it as the new way of technology. Instead, I am going to point out that Microsoft started the tablet-as-desktop revolution, forcing non-tablet users to integrate into tablet format on their computers. Basically, it’s nice to have a tablet that works like a computer and syncs all of its information across all devices, but not one wants a computer that looks like it has half of the features a desktop.
  2. I might be overly skeptical, but I’m not really sure that the LinkedIn integration will work the way recruiters want it to. Sure, there is no doubt we will get to see whatever your contact may have added to their LinkedIn profile. But do we also want the reminders that we still need to connect with someone we have possibly never spoken to based on a recommendation? What about the idea that social media is invading into one of the few things online we still like to believe is personal—our email? Is this inevitable because social media is an inseparable part of today’s society or did LinkedIn and Microsoft just get greedy?
  3.  It can’t be used comfortably for…anything. The start and desktop as apps? Having Office on the cloud? Not many people have adapted Microsoft’s current tools. Let’s look at the update from the perspective of those people who do not get the latest gadgets all the time. The good ol’ baby boomers who are still a huge part of the economy in their working efforts. I’m certainly generalizing here, many have an issue adapting early to a new operating system that looks nothing like anything they’ve dealt with before. Other than those who are now sporting the new Windows Phone and eagerly waiting for the Surface Tablet, Window’s new OS will be a big change—something that few want to deal with. One of the reasons that Windows 7 was successful, was its mix between some people being familiar with Vista and wanting a better version of it and others just sitting on Windows XP for entirely too long. Most companies will not jump on the band wagon right away and will in fact run away from it if it’s too unfamiliar.

Finally: I hate to admit it, but people have always turned to Windows to be innovative while keeping things familiar. It’s one of the reasons people do not switch to Mac. I am not suggesting that Microsoft should have just stayed with Windows 7, but this is not the answer. People were not prepared and they certainly will have a tough time adjusting. If my predictions are right, this new OS will roll out, already few like it and even fewer will once it’s out of beta. Their next operating system will simply remove the new extremes and become more videogame-friendly again. Unless, Microsoft is also trying to get people to use their Xboxes and not their PC’s for gaming, but that’s a huge can of worms we are not about to open yet.